Useful Spacemacs Commands

I have been using spacemacs for a few years now and I wanted to make a quick list of helpful commands.

Basic Spacemacs commands

  • SPC q q - quit
  • SPC w / - split window vertically
  • SPC w - - split window horizontally
  • SPC w d - delete current window
  • SPC b b - switch buffers
  • SPC f f - find a file
  • SPC p p - open project
  • SPC p f - find a file in current project
  • SPC b d - kill current buffer
  • SPC b b - Helm mini; lists buffers & recent files
  • SPC / - searches through project
  • SPC s s - search in a file
  • SPC s e - multiple cursors
  • ALT / - snippet completion
  • SPC e - syntax checking options

Magit Commands

  • SPC g s - show git status
  • SPC g b - open a magit blame
  • SPC g t - launch the git time machine

In Magit Window

  • C-c C-c - show help text
  • l l - log current branch
  • d s - show diff of staged changes
  • d u - show diff of unstaged changes
  • s - stage a file or change
  • u - unstage a file or change
  • c c - create a new commit
  • c a - amend a commit
  • r e - rebase elsewhere (normally on master)
  • r -i e - rebase interactively elsewhere
  • b b - checkout a branch
  • b c - create a branch
  • f f - fetch changes
  • F (r) u - pull tracked branch and rebase
  • g r - refresh

Useful Vim key bindings


  • 0 - beginning of line
  • ^ - beginning of non-whitespace
  • $ - end of line
  • w - move forward by word
  • b - move backward by word
  • g g - first line
  • G - last line
  • C-u - up half page
  • C-d - down half page
  • H - head of the screen
  • M - middle of the screen
  • L - last of the screen
  • } - move forward by paragraph or block
  • { - move backwards by paragraph or block
  • n - search again forward
  • N - search again backwards
  • # - search backwards for word under cursor
  • / - search forward
  • ? - search backward
  • % - find matching brace, paren, etc
  • ma - mark a line in a file with marker “a”
  • 'a - after moving around, go back to line of marker “a”
  • :marks - view all the marks


  • x - delete char under cursor
  • X - delete char before cursor
  • A - add to end of line
  • I - insert at the beginning of the line
  • dd - delete line
  • D - delete from cursor to end of line
  • di' - delete text inside single quotes
  • yy - copy line
  • Y - copy from cursor to end of line
  • cc - change line
  • C - change from cursor to end of line
  • cit - change text inside html tag
  • ci' - change text inside single quotes
  • ci{ - change text inside curly brackets.
  • ci... - etc
  • p - paste after cursor
  • P - paste before cursor
  • o - add line below
  • O - add line above . = repeat last comment
  • r - replace character
  • R - replace. (overwrite) (good for columns of text)
  • J - join line (cursor can be anywhere on line)
  • :edit! - reload the file

Visual mode

  • v - visual char mode
  • V - visual line mode
  • C-v - block visual mode